2018 was a great year. I made 28 individual bicycles based on 6 unique designs. which was your favorite?
When I started this brand I created a three digit numbering system to log projects. This had nothing to do with ambition. To me three digits just looked nicer. I started with #001 and advanced one-by-one, mostly nights and weekends, year after year. However, in the last four years work picked up, ambition ensued, and milestones began manifesting. The first of which was bike #050, in December 2015. And last year as I reached #090, it became clear a next milestone was imminent. Well, in 2018 I exceeded my expectations and surpassed the #100 mark! And while this achievement feels amazing, I was reminded of something. It’s not the quantity that inspires me. It’s the fact that I get do something I truly love; designing and building beautiful bicycles, for other people to enjoy. And this wouldn’t be possible without the support of the customers who believe in what I do.
thanks everyone. I look forward to 2019, even more #bikelove and celebrating the 10 year anniversary with you.
🌟happy new year!🌟